Why to choose us
We can provide any type of services related to field trials both nationally or internationally wise due to our partnering with several independent CRO´s across Europe. We are members of Rhizome, an European independent CRO´s network.
Over 20 years experience

Over 20 years providing innovative solutions to common problems.
Providing our ample experience for European and Spanish Registration of technical products for agriculture (plant protection products, growth regulators, adjuvants fertilizers and correctors) since 1994.

Accredited by National Accreditation Authority `ENAC´ (BPL20) since 2001. To conduct studies following GLP Guideliness in the following areas: effects on non target organisms, residues and worker exposure.
We are officially recognised by The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment (EOR nº45) and by The Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning (Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV) OOR nº25) to conduct studies for product registration purposes.
Presence in all Europe through CRO´s and partners

Since 2004 Agricultura y Ensayo S.L carries out multisites studies all over Europe in collaboration with several partnerships; Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary and Spain.
Most up-to-date

We are provided with the most up-to-date equipment for field trials:
- Trial application equipment
- Equipment for sowing and harvesting with seed studies
- Laboratory equipment