Sitacens is an organization and management software developed entirely by Agricultura y Ensayo S.L. One of its main objectives is to solve issues related to online trial management, such as those detailed below.
- Submission of quotes to the client regarding the performance of the trial
- Status of the different trials: pending, ongoing and completed trials
- Access by the client to the status of his trials
- Assignment of tasks to the technicians and description of the trial
- Complete information about:
- Protocol
- Trial environment
- Additional farm works
- Description of the exact location of the trial
- Technicians responsible for the trials
- Planning
- Distribution design
- Assesments
- Evaluations
- Conclusions
- Table of results
This software has homogeneous templates for data presentation and is compatible with ARM. In addition, it is in the cloud so that users can access all the information stored in the software from any place and device, allowing faster communication between the technicians, the manager and the sponsor.