We perform ecotoxicological studies for the evaluation of potential toxic effects of active substances, plant protection products, and biocides on non-target organisms which are part of agricultural ecosystems
Residue Studies in Arthropods:
- Residue studies on NTA (Non-Target Arthropods): application, sampling and classification of insects. Taxonomic groups: Lepidopthera, Coleopthera, Aracnida, Himenopthera, Homopthera (adult-afidiae), Heteropthera, Dermapthera.
- Ecotoxicity Studies (Beneficial insects). Agricultura y Ensayo S.L is able to work in Residual semi-field / Cages Trials, Field trials (greenhouse) and with pollinators (Bumble bees and Honey bees). Agricultura y Ensayo S.L has wide experience in; Eretmocerus mundus parasitoid of whitefly, Phytoseiulus persimilis (predatory mite), Amblyseius swirskii (predatory mite), Macrolophus caliginosus, Orius laevigatus, Nesidiocoris tenuis (predatories bug), Diglyphus isaea (predator of leaf-miners) and Honey bees.
Ecotoxicity Studies with Bees: Agricultura y Ensayo S.L performs several types of tests with bees.
- Acute Oral and Contact Toxicity Test in honeybees according to OECD guideline 213 for oral lethal dose (LD50) and OECD guideline 214 for contact lethal dose (LD50). Determination of the median daily lethal concentration (LDD50).
- Ecotoxicity Chronic Bee Studies: Determination of the median daily lethal concentration (LDD50), and the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) of a test item on young worker honeybee Apis mellifera in a laboratory test after a 10 days oral exposure. Experience in adult and larvae studies. Following OECD Guideline 245 (adopted 9th October 2017) and based on the OECD Guideline 213 (adopted 21st September 1998): Honeybees, Acute Oral Toxicity Test.
- Ecotoxicity Larval Toxicity Bee Studies: Following OECD Guideline for the testing of chemicals 237 (adopted 26 July 2013): Honeybee, Larval Toxicity Test, single exposure and OECD Guidelines for the testing of chemicals 239 (15 July 2016): Honeybee, Larval Toxicity Test following Repeated Exposure.
- Ecotoxicity Bee Brood Studies: Evaluate the effects of a test item on the honeybee brood Apis mellifera under semi-field conditions (tunnel conditions followed by field conditions). Following OECD Guidance document on the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) brood test under semi-field conditions n. 75 (2007) and Standard studies according to OEPP/EPPO Guideline No. 170 Side-effects on honeybees (laboratory, semi-fields and fields).
- Non-Target Organism: Aleochara bilineata, Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Chysoperla carnea, Coccinella septempunctata, Hypoaspis aculeifer, Eisenia foetida/Eisenia andrei, Typhlodromus pyri, etc.