How technology provides a new vision for pest control
The fight against diseases and pests affecting plants has been clearly benefited in recent years by the rapid emergence and expansion of scientific techniques that offer us a wide range of tools aimed at the optimization of growing areas. In the following lines we will deal with some of the most outstanding. Continue Reading
How to apply digital transformation to your field trials
The companies that base their work in the realization of field trials must face the new challenges and changes that the digital transformation suppose. An important number of structures and processes must be redesigned in order to face this metamorphosis successfully. In the following lines we will try to describe a brief guide to be able to enjoy all the benefits that the implantation of digital transformation implies in your field trials.
What are Plant Protection Products?
Plant Protection Products (PPP), also known as phytosanitary products, acquires a fundamental importance in agriculture when it comes to guarantee the productivity and safety of the crops. Therefore, it is essential to have an adequate knowledge of the types that exist, their composition, uses, risks and the legislation that regulates them.