Archive for month: September 2018

Basic notions that a GLP Laboratory must meet

Basic notions that a GLP Laboratory must meet

Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) aim to confirm the safety and efficacy of any chemical product. For this, they make up a quality system related to the management of trials that covers a broad list of processes. In the following lines we will try to shed light on some of these procedures in order to know them better and thus approach excellence in laboratory work.

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New trends in BCA’s

New trends in BCA’s

Biological Control Agents or BCA’s have acquired a great importance in recent years in the field of Plant Protection Products. The growing environmental awareness and the search for more efficient measures for farmers have been a catalyst for the development and implementation of them. A consequence of all this is the constant opening of research lines in order to find new biological control agents and improve the action of existing ones.

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What are Plant Protection Products?

What are Plant Protection Products?

Plant Protection Products (PPP), also known as phytosanitary products, acquires a fundamental importance in agriculture when it comes to guarantee the productivity and safety of the crops. Therefore, it is essential to have an adequate knowledge of the types that exist, their composition, uses, risks and the legislation that regulates them.

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